I was asked by the Sarasota Community Foundation to write a blog explaining how our Flash Mob came together and what the end result was. Below is the Blog I wrote...
Five, six, seven, eight!
For a month, every Wednesday and Friday evening a group of Take Stock in Children supporters would secretly come together to practice for our first Flash Mob. This world phenomenon known as a Flash Mob is a group of people who suddenly assemble in a public place and perform a song/dance to spread awareness…Or just for entertainment.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota County has been around for 15 years and has held the unfortunate title of, “Best Kept Secret” for entirely too long. I decided we needed to share with the community what TSIC was all about. Putting together the Flash Mob was a BLAST! I’ve seen numerous Flash Mobs in person and on YouTube. The idea for Take Stock to produce one all started when I heard the song, “I Believe” by Yolanda Adams. The lyrics were so profound and spoke to exactly what TSIC stands for.
We partnered with Wilson’s Dance Sport to get their help with chorography and utilize their ballroom. I sent out a mass email to all TSIC supporters to start some buzz about a Flash Mob. No one was able to know any details until they came to practice. Everyone involved was extremely dedicated, up-beat and always wanting to practice.
The day of, the blistering sun was out despite the fear of rain clouds and it was show time. As a crowd of approximately 1,000 sat around listening to the band we were organizing ourselves for the performance.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota County wanted to be known as the non-profit that is FUN and really believes in our youth. We believe, do you?
By: Dana Bakich, Director of Marketing and Development